Thierry DUBOIS (1963 - )
Thierry Dubois est né en 1963, en banlieue parisienne, d'un père français et d'une mère belge. D'une famille qui voyage beaucoup en auto, il gardera le souvenir des grands voyages en France et l'amour des belles mécaniques. Autodidacte, il noircit ses cahiers en imitant Hergé, Franquin et surtout Tillieux, le dessinateur de Gil Jourdan. Passionné par les routes, il commence à s'intéresser à l'histoire de la Nationale 7, dont il est devenu le grand spécialiste. Avec son ami Jean-Luc Delvaux, lui aussi grand amateur de tout ce qui roule, ils développent le personnage de Jacques Gipar, un journaliste spécialisé dans la chronique judiciaire qu'on retrouve souvent au volant de sa voiture ! Par ailleurs, il continue à travailler pour la presse, puisqu'on retrouve régulièrement ses dessins dans les magazines Charge Utile, La Vie de l'Auto, 2CV et Dérivés, etc
Thierry Dubois was born in 1963, in the suburbs of Paris, to a French father and a Belgian mother. Dubois is a French artist and writer who specialises in cars and French motorways. From a family that travelled a lot by car, he kept sketchbook memories of the great family trips through France. Passionate about roads, he began to take an interest in the history of the National 7, of which he later became an expert. With his friend Jean-Luc Delvaux, also a great lover of anything on the road, they developed a character called Jacques Gipar in 'Les Aventures de Jacques Gipar', a retro-styled comic series about a journalist with a passion for cars that is published by Paquet since 2010. He also contributes to several automotive magazines, and maintains a website about the French highway Nationale 7. He is the author of several (illustrated) books about highways and cars, and also of a comic about the transport company Calberson ('100 ans de Calberson 1904-2004'). In addition, he continues to work for the press, since his drawings are regularly found in the magazines Charge Utile, La Vie de l'Auto, 2CV and Dérivés, etc.
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